ICAN Positive Programs for Youth

Thunderbirds Charities Supports Chandler-Based ICAN: Positive Programs for Youth with $75,000 Grant

ICAN’s Positive Youth Development Program is a prevention-focused out-of-school time program with carefully structured activities that teach youth empathy and communication, emotion-management and coping skills, decision-making, social competence, self-regulation, and positive goal setting. As a result, youth are better prepared to navigate adolescence with strong life skills that help them make good choices and avoid pitfalls, such as peer pressure, substance abuse, and violence. Youth also benefit from academic assistance, mentoring, computer skills, STEAM activities, sports and recreation. ICAN’s currently facility serves 200 a day on a year-round basis.


ICAN Positive Youth Development Program

This grant is part of the Spring 2020 cycle. View a list of all Recent Grantees.