Thunderbirds Charities has awarded Arizona Association for Foster and Adoptive Parents (AZAFAP) with a generous contribution of $15,000 to assist in funding local programs. These funds directly impact the lives of Arizona children from foster care. Below are our programming initiatives describing how we support families in our community.
The mission of Arizona Association for Foster and Adoptive Parents:
With the goal of increasing the stability, well-being, and connection of Arizona’s foster, kinship, and adoptive families and their children, our purpose is to strengthen and encourage those families through education, financial and emotional support, relationships, and providing opportunity for a voice throughout their journey.
AZAFAP’s Embracing Foster, Kinship and Adoptive Families programming includes:
Family Connections: One of AZAFAP’s strengths is in providing families the opportunity to socialize and interact to build relationships and to share resources and experiences with other families who are facing similar situations. The Family Connections program activities include: picnics, family camps, staycations, family day out, and many more.
Family Support Services: In order for foster, kinship, and adoptive placements to remain stable, it is essential to provide ongoing education and support to the families who commit to care for these children. Our Family Support Services include: caregiver training, support network chats, advanced trauma informed training for parents, parent mentors and counseling for caregivers.
Children’s Basic Needs: Raising children is expensive and the financial support the state provides to foster, kinship, and adoptive parents is minimal. AZAFAP provides families with access to basic needs for their children which include: annual school shoe shopping, bi-annual winter jackets shopping, and Recycle Your Bicycle & holiday toys.
Community Awareness: One of AZAFAP’s goals is to raise awareness of foster care and adoption in the community. These activities include Foster Care Awareness Month and National Adoption Month celebrations.
“Thunderbirds Charities is proud to support the work of the Arizona Association for Foster and Adoptive Parents,” said Pat Williams, President of Thunderbirds Charities. “The programs and services that they provide to families is truly making a difference in the lives of so many in our community.”
With the continued support from Thunderbirds Charities, AZAFAP will be able to continue this programming that will support and strengthen Arizona’s foster, kinship and adoptive families and their children.
Arizona Association for Foster and Adoptive Parents (AZAFAP)
This grant is part of the Spring 2023 cycle. View a list of all Recent Grantees.