UMOM is proud to announce and thank Thunderbirds Charities for their $60,000 donation to support renovations of UMOM’s Atkinson Family Resource Center. With this donation UMOM recently installed a new gym floor providing a wonderful space for family activities including movie nights, youth programs, after-school sports, and life skills worships.
“We value our partnership with Thunderbirds Charities and the support they provide for those in need in our community”, said Darlene Newsom, UMOM CEO. “The recent Thunderbirds Charities donation will go a long way to improving the environment at UMOM for the families we serve.”
UMOM plans to further renovate the activity center space that will include improvements like added storage, energy efficient doors, vinyl flooring, new furniture and installation of a ceiling projector for meetings & presentations.
Thunderbirds Charities Mission: to assist children and families, help people in need and improve the quality of life in our communities.
UMOM’s Mission: to prevent and end homelessness with innovative strategies and housing solutions that meet the unique needs of each family and individual.