Thunderbirds Charities Awards $100,000 to Save the Family

Save the Family is honored to be the recipient of $100,000 for their Homeless Families Intervention Project which encompasses their housing, case management, and supportive services that provide critical support for families facing homelessness.

This funding comes at a time when our community is facing an affordable housing crisis—with just 21 units of affordable housing for every 100 families in need. For far too many, the skyrocketing inflation, cost of housing, childcare, and household expenses in the current economy is making it difficult, if not impossible, to remain stably housed or improve economic mobility. The majority of families served by Save the Family are headed by a single mother with 2-3 children under the age of 6 years old. As the leading and oldest family homeless provider serving the East Valley communities of Maricopa County, Save the Family is committed to meeting the needs of struggling and vulnerable families. This grant from Thunderbirds Charities directly supports over 550 families, including nearly 900 children, who are experiencing homelessness and poverty in our community.

Save the Family is grateful for the continued commitment and this investment from the Thunderbird Charities that builds a community free from family homelessness, where every person has a safe and affordable place to call home.

Save the Family

This grant is part of the Fall 2022 cycle. View a list of all Recent Grantees.