The Homeless ID Project recently received a grant in the amount of $100,000 from Thunderbirds Charities in support of the “ID Empowers Our Community” Program. Thunderbirds Charities’ support will help individuals and families to end their homelessness and rebuild their lives by providing the critical first step of identification replacement services. With offices in the Brian Garcia Welcome Center, the Homeless ID Project does much of its work on the Human Services Campus in downtown Phoenix. They also participate in programs intended to reach the homeless population across the Valley and Maricopa County.
According to Rick Mitchell, Executive Director, “Our mission is to help people end their homelessness, not to extend it. Support from Thunderbirds Charities will help us provide the critical first step of replacing identification documents necessary for so many individuals and families seeking to end their homelessness. Need for replacement documents can result from loss, theft, eviction, or even fleeing a domestic violence situation. And while it is not something many of us think about, it is not possible to get a job, to gain housing, or enroll the kids in school without current and valid identifying documents. The Homeless ID Project is honored to receive this grant. With this support from Thunderbirds Charities, we can help those seeking to end their homelessness to get a start on what can be a very difficult journey. Importantly. A life rebuilt provides a real benefit to the person, to the family, and to our entire community as people reengage and become productive.”
“We’re thrilled to help Homeless ID Project and their mission to empower the homeless in our community to end their homelessness,” said Chance Cozby, President Thunderbirds Charities. “Together, we can help motivated individuals and families to take the first step towards ending homelessness and rebuilding their lives.”
HOMELESS ID PROJECT is a privately funded, non-profit located in Phoenix, Arizona. Their mission is to empower the homeless to end their homelessness. The Homeless ID Project has assisted more than 20,000 individuals and provided more than 15,000 replacement documents in the last two years. Operations have been expanded to a total of five locations across Maricopa County with the goal of serving all those in need.
More information is available at
This grant is part of the Spring 2019 cycle. View a list of all Recent Grantees.