The Homeless ID Project received a grant in the amount of $100,000 from Thunderbirds Charities in support of the “ID Empowers Our Community” Program. Thunderbirds Charities’ support will help individuals and families end their homelessness and rebuild their lives by providing the critical first step of identification replacement services.
According to Rick Mitchell, Executive Director, “Our mission is to help people end their homelessness by providing access to replacement documents. While it is not something many of us think about, it is not possible to get a job, to gain housing, to apply for healthcare, or enroll the kids in school without current and valid identifying documents.
Support from Thunderbirds Charities will help us provide the critical first step of replacing lost or stolen identification documents necessary for so many individuals and families seeking to end their homelessness.”
This grant is part of the Spring 2020 cycle. View a list of all Recent Grantees.